Mood: caffeinated
Topic: Knitting
Well I went and boy it's hard to get the hand in gear. slip one knit one. the brain doesn't want to open up that file drawer. LOL! But it's so nice to have a friend there and all the girls seem to like the atmosphere. (laid back to say the lest) And the talk about lactation was without adding from me. All I know is I won't be able to have sex for a week thinking about that 3 1/2 yearold hanging off his mother, yuk!
Anyway knitting is going well started the other bootties an I hope I do ok!
The Sun is shining but God is it cold out!
Don't forget folks it's Earth Day!
They would like everyone to turn out the lights at 8 till 9 around the world, I can do that!
Turn down the temp to 55 at night, use floureseant lights, and Enercy Star Products, recycle what you can!
Peace, Bev