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My Stitch and Bitch
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Alazy day

got StUng by bee at ww at all things so typing with one hand an knitting is on hol and so is curves. i did lose weight this week 1.4 but i can't exercise this week have to keep the hand up and steamed for a while in a plastic bag and wet towel. sauna for the hand, lol

well the hand tired from typing so i'll be back when this sYellwelling is going down.


Posted by craftyviolet2 at 7:03 PM EDT
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Thursday, 22 May 2008
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Weight

I can't lose wieght and I'm going to stay with my fat things.

I went to curves for the 2nd time and I feel awful the only thing that doesn'thurt are my hands and that's a matter of opion. My brain isn't working too well either lack of oxigen I think, anywho I'm really a mess so I'll type again when I get my strength back.

PS I got new needles and I'm going to make a sshawl for myself!


Posted by craftyviolet2 at 5:57 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 22 May 2008 6:03 PM EDT
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Saturday, 17 May 2008
Children of mine!
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Alazy day

Well we made it thru another round of let's celebrate the kids birthdays!

Sara the 6th and Pete the 16th, with Mother's day inbetween gifts all around with poor Father footing the bill.

First the Daughter we've been saving for this occasions as she always wants to go to red lobster. That was a 100 bill atleast. She was easy something for the wii an a card for cloths an we are off to Mothers Day! Number 1 child bought me 2 cards for starbucks, Hubby bought me a charm for pandora bracelt and Number 2 made me a salad for supper, made in a bowl that I use for the family salad with a spicy tuna. Very good. An it lasted all night. Started off the day going to church and the priest gave a Special blessing and a Mothers light up the world flahlight. Nice thought!

Then child #2 Birthday this is the I'm not cut out for college, can make money my way child. Did I mention he has no money. Got his tax money and then lost his wallet with it in it. Luck forgot to bless this child. and I worry that he'll end up like my sister's son on the bottum of some lake. Not because any wrong doing just because he's too nice.

Anyway we celebrate his with a card stating will take him for cloths and a gas card from his sibling. That will help him get to an interview. Hint! Hint! He went from three jobs last year to College to bumedout. I hope he can get this going, he has dreams and cart to hitch it on. But he does have friends and they went out last night and he's back already so I hope they didn't do too much damage last night.

I do have luck with my children so far not too much problems with them and Thank God they are GOOD KIDS! LUCKY ME!




Posted by craftyviolet2 at 11:51 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 17 May 2008 11:12 PM EDT
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Monday, 5 May 2008
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Alazy day

Can't get going feel blah! all that knitting has get me that I dont' want to do it. But take care I gues I'll have to fin something else to do want to get Vickie Howell's new book there's a new shawl I would want to knit Vickie ha wear it on the show and I would like it in purple my favorite.

I got a great pic from my friend. now I have to get a great frame for it. Katie can always get me pumpe to do and see things.

On another front my childrens B days 24 and 19. An they both are losing weight and I know where it went to me I gain an feel like a blump. The more I excercise the more I gain.

Atleast there is the spring flowers!


Posted by craftyviolet2 at 1:40 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Happy Hump Day!
Mood:  don't ask

Boy I thought I could tell you how to conti knitting and I quess not I have to do it step by step but it's pretty cool. Almost done with the second one. pretty cool.so what else can I do? Don't know, Maybe a felted purse of a prayer shawl. We will see.

All upset about the voting don't see why anyone wouldn't want a mother in the white house. Did they not read it takes a village. After watching John Adams I think I won't even vote. Each state making up there own rules should have never been the rule. Atleast with voting If everyone can vote now why can't we all have machines. NO PAPER! seems like we would have had a democrate in office atleast another 4 years an then have a republican for the next round. I wonder if the ones that their son's an daughter's were killed in the war wonder that too! Have to see How HBO plays it out!

Well Have to go an do somemore on the sock and the good ol' kitchner stitch.

Peace to y'all,


Posted by craftyviolet2 at 8:37 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 April 2008 8:52 PM EDT
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Sunday, 27 April 2008
STILL knitting!
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Knitting

The sock that wouldn't stop!

I can't believe that the first one took notime at all and now a week has past and I'm still on the da-- thing. Well I made it thru the heel and we're on the foot part. and it seem like there is no end or atleast the more I do. I'm know were in site of the end but it's taking so long.

Didn't make church I really slept in till 11 and my body thanks the powers that be. I feel rested and would love to do something out side but hubby is out cutting the grass so after picking up the poop. The dog would like to go out know for a fresh romp but hubby is cutting the grass so we're all stuck in for know.

Oh here's a bit of news went shopping with child#1 and got new jeans size 12 and then capris sz 14 and just fit. They were 4.99 and I did not protest either. Oh but I did shout after fitting into the 12's. Have to go on the bike again maybe tomarrow. but twice 1 hr sessions this week. and I must work on getting that treadmill. child#1 said he would use it too. So I will make my pitch when this check comes I figure if we get the 1200 1/2 is mine right. Yah right probably go for a new lawn mower.



Posted by craftyviolet2 at 4:12 PM EDT
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Monday, 21 April 2008
Nothing new but
Mood:  don't ask

Really want to make a good impresstion but can't get the dictionary to work on this darn thing.


So I quess I'll have to wait till I can figure this one out. Strange things goin on here I quess you can see things are going crazyeven the lights in the garage have a life of there own.

I still havn't gone to the knit shop to get the right stitches going maybe tomarrow.

What a great day again today it's 65 right now an is10:19 pm WOW! But I hope it rains soon so my tulips will come up Well have to take the dog out so I'll try to get on tomarrow or maybe I'll be knitting.LOL!

Peace to All!


Posted by craftyviolet2 at 10:09 PM EDT
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Sunday, 20 April 2008

Well it was sunny out! and I goofed up the sock so back to the knit shop. Just when you think you can do something free and clear. Something throws a wrntch into it. I think I know what I did wrong but there is a hole at one edge and I better fix it now before omething else happens. So much for making it in a week. and I supposse it' my fault for not writing down every little thing to make my life easier.

The spring flowers are poping up day by day! Daff's on a road by me are great. They did their whole front yard. And all of the crocus are gone now the daff's then the tulips, then the allium. One of the bush's are in full bloom.  And it's funny but the bees are working on the weeping cherry in the front. And the sparrows are now working on the bird seed, Robins on the lawn and the worms. The driveway looks awful cuz of the suide of the worms when we had a rain a couple of weeks ago.

Well have a nice day and a great week!

Posted by craftyviolet2 at 1:53 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 April 2008
WW Tuesday
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: Alazy day

Was anyone else alittle uspet about the biggest losser? I thought for sure it was Roger. Anywho gained a stupid lb. this is awful so I bought the latest DVD and copied the walking one into the puter so I can put it on the mp3. Somethings got to give. Stay tuned. Also I'm coming along with the #2 sock. Think I made the cuff alittle longer but will scrape it up to Hey it's only my first pair. LOL!

Well nothing happen to Lunnette's family and Gabby up to her old tricks. Not sure how much I will watch of this season. So much knitting and quilting to do. Some shows coming up. I like the Big bang theory reminds me when I went to school and I hung around with the nerds. After all their people too just smarter.

Will have to make a real effort Still havn't found some of the knitting things that are missing will let you know if I find them now the thing that's missing is my Son's wallet Had to get a license, SS card and fishing liscense. Quess this is where he starts skate boarding Cuz his dang truck ain't fixed yet!!!!!!!!!

Here'something for he's growing up portion. He's helping some friends paint their apartment. First He helped put up dry wall which he learned how to  a few summers ago.

Peace for another Day!

GOD Bless the Pope!

Posted by craftyviolet2 at 11:05 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 11:28 PM EDT
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Sunday, 13 April 2008
Another Sunday!
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Alazy day

Well I'm on the second sock. And I hope I can knit it straight thru.  Got my kit to make a bracelet this should be fun. After the sock ofcoarse. I hope Christy can help me. Got my Pandora couldn't stand it that all these women in class had one so a post card comes in and quess what? I got one. Hope the family can keep up! LOL!

Snow in the morning?    Yes I had to scrape the windshild. And oh yes & a different vechle for the hubby getting a Rogue. Hope the gas is better. So the Sun is out and I hope tomarrow is better weather don't want to pick up the car in the rain and snow. Oh I almost forgot son lost his lights. just lighting them the switch broke on the truck. It never ends. So I'll be without wheels again till he gets this fixed. So I'll be working on the sock this week, inbetween laundry.

Yeah! Desperate Housewives is on again. Saw it this week. What happen to Launette's familiy? I quess I missed something. and Big Love oh my TV and the News Truth is better then fiction??????????????


Posted by craftyviolet2 at 3:16 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 13 April 2008 3:35 PM EDT
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